A Dog’s Life Saver

Your Personal Guide to Dog’s Health

We all have seen our Pet’s with an illness or in pain and not know how to help them. Isn’t it time to put an end to the anxiety and pain they may be feeling? There is a way to avoid needless Vet cost. We have a Guide ” go here for details” which will allow you to have the freedom to assess and find the answer’s that plague your Pet.

Is your dog suffering from illnesses such as painful toothache, teething issues or ear infection? Does it break your heart to see them this way? Don’t you just wish you could hold them in your arms making the pain and suffering go away? “Go here for details.” Our fur babies mean a lot to us making them a part of our families.

Woman with her dog tender scene

Has your dog ever vomited or had diarrhea,  persistent problems with his urine or stool? Maybe a cough that won’t go away, or even more severe conditions such as types of arthritis and cancer? “go here for details.”

Are you concerned about symptoms such as patchy hair loss, being lethargy shortness of breath? What about worrisome discharge or changes in behavior, “go here for details” such as your dog not eating, that may have an underlying medical cause?

Dog’s Health By The Author

Dogs can’t point to where it hurts. And even though they are perfectly capable of crying when they want to, many choose to remain quiet and stoic when they are ill or in pain. For many dog owners, identifying and dealing with dog health problems is a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be...“get more details here.”

When it comes to dog health care, even though there’s no substitute for reliable veterinary attention, there’s also no excuse for being totally unprepared, and for not doing the everyday things you can be doing to prevent the majority of problems that arise. We are glad that you have taken such a positive step in dog ownership, and we hope that it will be repaid with years of exuberant gratitude from a healthy and happy dog.

At one time or another, you’ve been in a position like this. Dealing with the frustration of not spotting a symptom sooner to the fear of not knowing how to respond to a pet emergency. Whether you’re a new dog owner or a well weathered one, you’ve been in a position like this and, you may have grappled with this most stressful part of dog ownership.

Our guide is designed for dog owners who want to take a proactive and informed approach to dog ownership. “go here for details.” If your dog has eye problems, ear problems, stomach, and bowel disorders, and other ailments this guide will help you. You don’t need to be an expert to recognize and respond to whatever dog health concern comes your way. This fully-illustrated, 240-page guide gathers together knowledge and advice from veterinarians and dog care professionals to bring you an essential resource for new dog owners

Dog Anatomy

This guide extends the fine line of products brought to you by Kingdom of Pets, industry leaders in providing you reliable dog obedience and health care resources across a wide range of media. Our flagship dog training program, “Secrets to Dog Training”, has reached over 242,678 satisfied dog owners and is going strong!

Keeping your dog safe and healthy is a full-time job. It takes more than going to see the veterinarian when. Ticks can spread a number of different diseases that affect both pets and people. And each year, thousands of dogs become infected with serious diseases.  “go here for details” Ticks can transmit Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, tularemia, and Babesia. Generally known as vector-borne disease, the risks they pose to your dog can be minimized with preventive measures (topical medications, tick collars, etc.) and annual checkups include vector-borne disease screening.

Beware Of Poison

For some folks, the start of a new year is a catalyst to lose weight and this may mean switching from plain old sugar to lower calorie sweeteners. Xylitol is one such sugar substitute that is safe for human consumption but is toxic for dogs. In fact, it can be deadly. “go here for details”  The xylitol we consume is manufactured by beginning with a product called xylan found in hardwood trees and corncobs.

After a dog consumes significant xylitol, there is a massive release of insulin from the pancreas. This, in turn, results in a dangerously low blood sugar level and symptoms such as weakness, seizures, collapse, and even death. At higher dosages, xylitol can cause massive liver destruction (known as necrosis) in which large numbers of liver cells die abruptly. This produces an acute health crisis and, in many cases, death.