Paid Social Media Jobs

Get Paid To Post on Social Media

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This Single Mother Makes Over $700 per Week Helping Businesses With Their Facebook and Twitter Accounts……. And Now You Can Too!

Hi, I’m Annie Jones. This is my story…

Like most single parents I have the responsibility of taking care of our children so I am up before the crack of dawn..My mornings are usually very busy. The first thing that I do is  hit the alarm button get dressed and head straight for the kitchen. Once there, I put on the coffee then begin to make breakfast.  After I had my 1st cup of coffee I wake the children. The can be challenging because I have children who want to sleep on their own time. They finally awake get dressed and head on down for some breakfast. After they have eaten I drive them straight to school.

Once I drop them off I head right back home for a little of me time. I love this time of the morning because I grab some more coffee and maybe have some breakfast. When I’m done with that I hurry myself to my computer and work on my PBS “Performance Blogging System.” I begin to re-set, re-focus and re-commit. I really enjoy what I do and what I do is a lot of fun.

But my life has changed drastically in the last 12 months. I found a System that would allow me to work at home on the computer in the comfort of my own home. Now I can’t wait to go home to get going and make money!

Nowadays my work involves logging on to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, reading and replying to some comments. I also make time to schedule some post for the day.  Businesses that I do this for, need my expertise because the don’t have the time to do this work themselves. So they pay me to do the work for them part time from home.

The best part is that ANYONE who knows how to use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube can do this ‘work’, and there are millions of businesses around the world hiring for these positions RIGHT NOW!

I sometimes find it hard to believe how great my life is now because it wasn’t always this good…

Definition of social media. : forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

Here are six ways you can make money on social media.

  • Promote affiliate products.
  • Create and promote your own information products.
  • Promote products and services.
  • Use visual media to promote your crafts.
  • Promote your coaching or consulting services.
  • Join the YouTube Partner Program.
  • Final thoughts.

How can I start a social networking site and make money?

  1. Choose a specific category or market. Decide which niche you can cater to. …
  2. Joining other social networking sites is also another great way to market your site. …
  3. Look into a method called Link Exchange. …
  4. Consider Affiliate marketing as well. …
  5. Think about article marketing. …
  6. Devise some more!

Some examples of social media sites and applications include FacebookYouTube,, TwitterDigg, blogs and other sites that have content based on user participation and user-generated content (UGC).