Physical Health and Personal Growth & Self-Actualization Five Core Areas to Improve Physical & Mental Health

Physical health is at the core of personal growth and self-actualization. When we’re not physically well, it’s hard to feel mentally and emotionally well, and very hard to tap into the spiritual side of things and “discover self-actualization” (or, to reach our full potential). It’s important, therefore, to care for our bodies in order to give us the best shot at personal growth and happiness.

Self Help is something we should all be working on consistently and always.  Growing is part of who we are.  Mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  Becoming “the best person” we can be should be an everyday focus, goal, and achievement.  As we continue to build our better “us” we will list and share finds online that help with doing just that.

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Survive The End Days 

While this may not sound like Self Help; having a plan should chaos happen?  When we have a plan and know what we would do, the panic is easier to avoid.  We have all seen the many troubling and disturbing events, politics and possibilities that affect our own beliefs, religious views and even our core understandings of what we are “here for”, and so much more.  We have seen many gain a “peaceful resolve” to cope and avoid the stress related to things we have no control over should the worst happen.  Preparation is key, even for things that hopefully never occur.

There are so much bad advice and misinformation out there about treating anxiety. Ideas like, the only way to treat anxiety is to be on medication all your life or that anxiety is something you will just have to cope with forever. BUT that is simply not true. No matter how long you have had your anxiety problem or how unique and strange you think your anxiety is, “you can and you will overcome it.“get more details here.”

The Mind-Body Connection

Most of us have heard of (and, by now, hopefully, believe in) the mind-body connection. The mind and body are inseparably linked. Our physical health depends as much on our mental/emotional health as our mental health depends on our physical. Physical health, therefore, isn’t just about working out and eating right. Though these are definitely important, physical health requires mental health work too, and vice versa.

Physical Health & Personal Growth: 5 Core Areas

One method I love that helps me assess and improve all areas of my health is the “NURSE” method. I first read about it in Women’s Moods,[i] an excellent book, and have used it personally and with my clients to ensure I cover all aspects of staying healthy. I’ve adapted this method here, along with a few questions to get you thinking. Hopefully, it will inspire you to examine and work your physical and mental health too!


N: Nourishment & Needs                                       

R: Rest & Relaxation

U: Understanding                       

S: Spirituality

E: Exercise


What we eat has a huge impact, not just on our physical state, but on our emotional well-being as well. When we focus on eating for vibrant health—including taking in a variety of fresh, healthy foods, drinking plenty of water, making sure we’re getting the vitamins we need each day, and watching our intake of alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine—our bodies feel stronger, we have more energy, and our minds feel healthier too


But beyond what we eat, it’s also important to pay attention to what we need. Every individual has his/her own needs: whereas one needs a daily nap, another needs a daily jog; whereas on needs time to talk with friends, another just needs time alone. Identify what your mind and body need, then make sure you get your needs met.

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Light bulb icon ideas graphic


It’s important to have a safe place where you feel supported as you seek understanding about who you are, what you need, and how to progress in your physical, emotionalmentalsocial, and spiritual growth. This may include:

  • Talking with an understanding support person,
  • Writing down your experiences or emotions,
  • Using your creativity (such as art, writing, dance, etc) to process emotions and gain understanding,
  • Participating in online support forums or social media support pages, or
  • Psychotherapy

our mind and body really are connected. In fact, “your feelings have an anatomy– they are rooted in the brain structures.”[ii] Understanding how your body and mind work, what isn’t working, and ways to make change is key to overall health well-being.

Macro close up of young woman meditating with eyes closed.Conceptual spiritual background with light beam. Stock Photo - 59199205


Focusing on sleep is crucial to keeping ourselves physically and mentally strong. Sleep is essential to mental health. When we’re sleep-deprived, we simply can’t function well, and sleep deprivation is associated with higher levels of stress, depression, anxiety, and anger, and with poorer coping, memory, learning, and performance. Sleep deprivation is also linked with increased risk of illness, and, if chronic, can lead to major health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.


It’s not just about sleep, however. It’s just as important to relax and play. Relaxation is the opposite of stress, and stress can really take its toll on the mind and body. In fact, stress underlies a host of health problems and mental health issues too. Make time to slow down, let go, and just relax. You’ll actually work, sleep, and love better if you do!

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Getting in touch or reconnecting with your spirit is one of the best things you can do for your physical and mental health. Those who have a daily spiritual practice feel more peace and connection in their lives, experience less stress, and have a greater sense of purpose and meaning too. Spirituality can include stillness, mindfulness, meditation, prayer, breathing, being in nature, or many other practices. The important thing is to unplug from the busyness of the world and “tune-in” to the softer whisperings” that remind us we are not alone and that we are greater than we believe


“Exercise” is one of the very best things you can do to improve your physical and mental health. Countless studies have shown the “benefits of exercise,” including cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and stretching. Exercise doesn’t have to be as intense as many people believe. Taking a 10-minute walk twice a day or working in the garden for 20 minutes can count. The important thing is to get your body moving. It’s as vital to your body as nutrients and sleep! (For more, check out: “Get Mentally & Physically FITT”).

Choose to Be Healthy & Choose to Grow!

The most important thing to remember about physical health is that we need to take care of the whole body,” not just one component. If you find yourself lacking in any of these areas, pick one and start working on it today. Eat a little bit healthier. Go for a walk. Get to bed an hour earlier. Take a nap or read a book while swinging in a hammock. You don’t have to tackle it all at once, but, bit-by-bit, you can improve your physical well-being.” And that’s one of the best things you can if you want to progress in your personal growth

Sakyong Mipham. (2005). Ruling Your World: Ancient Strategies for Modern Life. Doubleday; New York, NY: p.1.

Hinckley, G.B. Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley, pp. 608-9.

Larry Dossey. Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine

Jon Kabbat-Zinn. Mindfulness for Beginners: Reclaiming the present moment, and your life.

Maller, et. al. (2005). Healthy nature healthy people: ‘contact with nature’ as an upstream health promotion intervention for populations. Oxford Journals: Health Promotion International. Vol 21, Issue 1: 45-54.

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